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Coming from Behind to Win a Match

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So there I am, up a set and ahead 4-1 in the second against the #1 player for UCLA in their stadium court. My coach and team are on the edge of their seats. Eight more points and glory will be mine. Headlines. The NCAAs, first time ever for a UC Santa Barbara player. Fame. It would be a great win! Just two more games, I think.

I lost that match.

Fast-forward thirteen years. I am in Austria, at the ITF men’s 35 world championships. Players from over 20 countries are there. I’m in the finals. If I win this match I become #1 in the world and #1 in the U.S. I’m up one set to love. One more set and glory will be mine. Headlines. Fame. I go to the line to serve…this time I win the set, the match, and the title.


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